Monday, February 23, 2009

20 Resolutions Regarding the Tongue (#1-4)

Recently our mid-week Bible studies started a series of lessons from the Epistle of James. This five chapter book was chosen because of the abundance of practical living guidance that it has. Much of this guidance is on the use of our tongue and the power of words.

Those who choose to live as peacemakers and strive for healthy congregations understand the need to constantly work at thinking about what words we say and when we say them. Some recent research found the following at the 9Marks blog:

“At the 2008 Desiring God National Conference, Sinclair Ferguson preached a great message on James 3. In the spirit of Jonathan Edwards, he identified 20 resolutions that James makes in his letter regarding the tongue.
The book of James has at least 20 resolutions that need to be part of the Christian’s covenant with God about how the believer is going to employ the tongue and lips, and master the heart in such a way that the beauty of Jesus is expressed.”

I will be posting these 20 resolutions in piece meal form over the next few days. In so doing, I hope that all of us (myself especially) can digest the truth and better incorporate it into our daily living.

1) I resolve to ask God for wisdom to speak out of a single-minded devotion to him (1:5).
2) I resolve to boast only in the exultation I receive in Jesus Christ and also in the humiliation I receive for Jesus Christ (1:9-10).
3) I resolve to set a watch over my mouth (1:13).
4) I resolve to be constantly quick to hear and slow to speak (1:19).

Until next time, meditate on these things!

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