Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One Month Report Card

This Report Card is self graded, so there must be some "fudge factor" figured into the evaluation.

a) Accomplishments:
1) Getting engaged and connected with the people of the congregation. I have worked hard at learning names and getting to know the people. We are well on the way to belonging with the people.
2) Clear sense of direction for the preaching / teaching focus for the first 4-6 months. I have preached some challenging sermons but they have been easy to preach because of my sense that this is what God wanted the people to hear.
3) Valuable ministry opportunities with the Clifford Richardson family. I have conducted my first funeral after Dot, Clifford's wife, had a 3 1/2 week stay in the hospital following a stroke.

b) Surprises:
1) Amount of time and attention needed for the Academy and CDC. The CDC needs have been minimal but the Academy needs have been large because of the absence of an administrator until this week.
2) God’s providential guidance to find and secure a new Youth Director. Filling this position has been critical for the church's ministry to the entire family. God orchestrated, I believe, our securing Chris James to fill this position on a part-time basis.

c) “Do Overs” Needed:
1) Making more contacts with the shut-in members and attenders of the church. Competing time demands have delayed my getting into as many homes of our shut-ins as I would have liked.
2) Remembering more names and faces of people in the congregation. I wish I had a photographic memory but God has given me that gift. I will keep striving to get the rest of the folks' names in my head.
3) Communicate and promote better for the Share and Prayer Triplets. We would like to see more of our adults get into a triplet group to pray and grow closer together. The next post will hopefully give more details about this endeavor.

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