Thursday, November 13, 2008

Transition Team Retreat

The NGWC Transition Team met at the Victory Mountain Camp in Sophia, NC from 6 pm last Friday through 1 pm Saturday for the our kick-off retreat. This was a very intense time of team building as we developed a spirit of respect and trust for one another. We laughed and cried together. We reflected and prayed together. We met all five of our objectives, one of which was developing a team covenant. Here it is:

We will strive to abandon selfish motivations as we prayerfully seek to surrender ownership of Neighbors Grove Wesleyan Church to God.

We will listen with sensitivity to persons with various perspectives within the congregation.

We will strive to be available to everyone within the church family.

We will provide support and guidance to the interim pastor.

We will respect each other’s dignity and privacy.

We will communicate regularly with the congregation about the work of the Transition Team.

We will recommend activities and directions that will strengthen the congregation and move it through the interim period.

We will strive to model healthy life in Christian community.

The team begins regularly scheduled meetings next week on every other Tuesday night. Our first congregational event is being planned for February 1st around the Heritage (coming to terms with history) focus point. Come back to this blog for regular updates on the Transition Team in the near future.

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