Friday, July 6, 2007

Unified Service Plans

This week the Transition Team sent a letter of invitation to all our church attenders inviting them to the July 29th Unified Service. Normally our church has two worship services (at 9 & 11 am with Sunday School in between at 10 am). On July 29th we will have a continental breakfast starting at 9 am. The Unified Service will begin at 9:30 with an opening assembly. Adults will then break into small groups for discussion around the following two questions:
1. If you met someone expressing interest in our church, what good things would you tell them about First Wesleyan Church?
2. What disappointing moments in our church’s history do you wish could be changed?

After the small group discussions all the adults will reconvene for a closing assembly. The focus of this closing assembly will be to acknowledge our past failures and to grant forgiveness to those who have failed us. The assembly will end with The Lord's Supper as we celebrate this forgiveness through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Transition Team sent a five question survey to the congregation with the invitation letter. This survey will help our church attenders focus on the purpose of the Unified Service. Everyone has been asked to return these surveys by July 22nd. These surveys may also provide the team will guidance as they make final preparations for the service. The five questions are:
1. How have you experienced Christ’s love from other members of the church?
2. Briefly describe when you have been most disappointed with the church?
3. What do you think have been the biggest hindrances in the church’s numerical and spiritual growth in recent years?
4. What issues do you hope the transition team will address this year?
5. What are the most important things the church has contributed to your life?

Please continue to pray for our July 29th Unified Service.


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