Thursday, November 1, 2007

C.S.I. Pizza Party

The Transition Team is hosting a pizza party to do some C.S.I. work on Sunday night, November 4th. The response to the recent congregational survey has been great (87 surveys were returned) and now the team wants to share what “the survey says”. We will have an ample supply of regular and dessert pizza for everyone.
After the pizza, the team will share what “the survey says” and the congregation will have small group discussions at our tables. First we will discuss our thoughts about the survey results and then we will brainstorm ideas for ways that the church can move forward into the future. Copies of the survey results will be available for those who would like to receive one.
This is the third of the congregational meetings led by the Transition Team. These meetings are opportunities for every member of the congregation to participate in the intentional interim process. Completing surveys is important and valuable data is received. But congregational involvement in the meetings actively engages everyone in the work of refocusing our church onto the true mission and work that God is calling us to do. Come, spend the evening with your church family, enjoy the fellowship and engage in the work of the church.
The following is a summary of the team’s conclusions from the surveys:
Affirmation #1 – Most people are experiencing meaningful worship services at our church.
Affirmation #2 – Most members appreciate their church and that it positively impacts them spiritually.
Observation #1 – The vast majority of the members of the congregation lives in close proximity to the church building.
Observation #2 – Generally speaking, the 9 am service involves people who are longer term church attenders while the 11 am service involves people who have started attending the church more recently.
Observation #3 – The church still deals with some residual effect of earlier conflicts and the congregation needs to deal with conflict in Christian and constructive ways in the future.
Observation #4 – The music and worship style is very important to those who attend the 11 am service but some in the 9 am service don’t yet understand the need for a contemporary type service.
Opinion #1 – Our Church has become an inwardly focused congregation that does a very good job of caring for and ministering to our own members and their needs. But the members still realize that the church should be just as concerned with others outside of the church.
Opinion #2 – The first place that our congregation needs to reach out to if it is serious about “sharing the good news of the Gospel with the unchurched” is the area immediately around the church building.
Opinion #3 – There needs to be some congregational thought and decisions made about the intentions and use of the Building Fund with special attention given to the church’s transportation concerns.
The following items had data that reflected wide differences of opinions on the subject:
Inconclusive Data #1 – Training members for ministry and service.
Inconclusive Data #2 – Open discussion of important church decisions.
Inconclusive Data #3 – Attitude about the church’s future.

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