Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wesleyans Believe In The Inspiration of Scripture

Sermon highlights from September 2nd:

Text: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 (primarily v.16 - All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.)

As Wesleyans We believe in the Holy Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God and have been transmitted to the present without corruption of any essential doctrine. We believe that they contain all things necessary to salvation.

Trust in the Bible is built on 4 T’s:

Transmission – We have to trust that God spoke through the original human authors.

Transference – We have to trust in the early church fathers’ selection of books for transference into the canon.

Transcription – We have to trust that the copyists were collectively accurate in their transcribing of the original manuscripts.

Translation – We have to trust the translators of Scripture to communicate the meaning of the Greek and Hebrew texts.

As Wesleyans we make this Pledge to the Bible: I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word, I will make it a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I will hide its words in my heart that I might not sin against God.

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