Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Five Developmental Tasks of Intentional Interim Ministry

The Transition Team is leading our congregation through these five developmental or transformational tasks:

1) Come to Terms with History – We will attempt to put our past into perspective. We will celebrate our victories and mourn our defeats. We will take time to heal from our hurts and determine how best to discard old expectations and patterns of the past.

2) Exam Leadership & Decision-Making Concerns – Every congregation needs to develop new leadership for the tasks of ministry. We will focus on this development and our organizational processes for making decisions.

3) Look at Our Denominational & External Relationships – We will see how we can make better connections to The Wesleyan Church and to other churches around us so that we can understand our place in the larger body of Christ.

4) Clarify Our Congregational Identity – We will seek to discover both our church and our community distinctives at this time. In so doing we will redefine our sense of purpose and direction for the future.

5) Commit to the New Pastor & Future – Having worked together to find our true identity and God’s design for us we will affirm our intentions to team with our new pastor as together we work for the building of God’s kingdom.

Some are more important than others, but all of them are needed. These five tasks are in many ways interconnected and overlapping.

My next post will provide more details about the Transition Team that I am working with during the intentional interim ministry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have thought up such matchless phrase?